UK romance

We met in a very unconventional way,, I was travelling home from a girls trip and we were sat at a restaurant/bar in the fort lauderdale airport waiting for our delayed flight home and one of my best friends, Collen, struck up a conversation with decked out WVU british bloke, Andy Wright. (Dans assistant coach) After additional delays and more conversation they proposed that her single friend (me) and his single friend (Dan) meet.  Reluctantly I agreed, 3 weeks later we met,  2 years after that we got engaged.
Since Dan and I have made a tradition of spending the Christmas Holiday in London with his family we rarely see,  We decided to get married this year, Dec 30 2023 on our annual trip surrounded by our closest family.
However, because I am not a UK citizen, the union needed to occur prior to our trip here in America.
The day of our photoshoot with you, we spontaneously decided to get married in spirit of that day being our 2 year anniversary of the day we met- July 10th 2021.
Although we are legally married, we still plan to carry on with a small ceremony, ring/vow exchange, and an intimate dinner with those closest to us, December of this year.  Honeymoon and an American reception will follow on OUR 1 year anniversary- July 2024.

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